Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Beautiful Day

Today was such a beautiful day! So me and Landon decided to play in the sun for a little! He is getting so big!
Landon is now 9 1/2 months old! He super-crawls everywhere! He's so fast! He loves to play with his toys and could sit and study a toy for such a long toy. He's so observant! He really enjoys water! When we start his bath water, he practically dives into the bath tub! He also got to go swimming with his daddy, uncle and cousins- Michael and Emma, and absolutely loved it! He especially loves to see his cousins and play with them! He loves kids and just smiles and laughs at them. He's seems so determined to play with them. His latest is playing chase with his cousin Emma. At Grandma and Grandpa's house he was chasing her all around the kitchen and giggling so much! We are having so much fun with him :) He also has the talent of letting out these loud fake laughs. It's hilarious! His favorite foods are crackers, bananas, carrots, and whatever we're having for dinner. He'll stand by us when we're eating and open his mouth for some food. He also has 6 teeth fully in, one that has just poked through, and another on its way in. We have also been practicing walking with him. He's really good at walking around holding on to just one of our fingers! We're guessing he'll be walking soon!
He's a little bundle of joy and has a "million-dollar smile," as his Grandpa says. We are excited for new talents he'll pick up along the way!


Gena Susan said...

He is so adorable. My goodness!

Kristin said...

It is nice to see the sun after all of the cold storms we've had lately.
Landon is getting so big! I love having you guys close and hanging out every weekend. See you on Easter Sunday!!